How to receive feedback effectively? Check it out here!

Understand how to receive feedback effectively at work and why is feedback good for your development. Check it out!
Fique por dentro das principais tendência e boas práticas de RH e Gestão de Desempenho!
Understand how to receive feedback effectively at work and why is feedback good for your development. Check it out!
Understand what is a Constructive Feedback and learn a very simple technique that can significantly improve the quality of your feedback. Keep reading!
What is negative feedback? Understand the importance of adopting it in your team and how to do it in the right way. Keep reading!
Understand the importance of feedback for companies and know why is important looking for a employee feedback platform. Keep reading and learn more!
Understand the importance of positive feedback for the company and the difference between feedback, recognition and praise. Read on and learn more!
Feedback is the process in which one person contributes to the development of another person based on his or her own perceptions. Check out examples of written feedback!