Uber, IPOs, moats, and valuations

I've just finished Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber. It's crazy how the book seems to be so related to many other things that are either happening in the world or in my head.
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I've just finished Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber. It's crazy how the book seems to be so related to many other things that are either happening in the world or in my head.
“Disruptive innovation” probably doesn’t mean what you think it means. The term was first coined by Clayton Christensen on his The Innovator’s Dilemma to mean the process in which an attacking company creates a simpler, cheaper offering of some incumbent's product or service and wins customers that are overwhelmed by the more complex and expensive offerings of established players.
The Bay Area is where everything we're doing comes from. It's where software was born as an industry, and arguably where the world's best entrepreneurs flock to. It's also where Steve Jobs grew up, where he met Woz, where he started Apple, where he invested in Pixar, where he started NeXT.
Slack is a messaging app. Basically ICQ for companies, with a shiny UI layer and some cool integrations. It used to compete with a product called Hipchat, from Atlassian, but the now-public company ended up absorbing the aussie product in an acquisition. Most recently, Microsoft launched Teams, an offering that's really similar in most senses to Slack's.
Whenever I'm going through tough times, I - like 100% of other entrepreneurs - consider what life would look like if I wasn't running my startup. What if we sold the company? What would I do the next day?
A very common worry amongst founders is how rapid scaling might - negatively - affect a startup's culture. By culture, I mean a system of rituals, incentives, values, stories and other “cogs” that produce a given set of behaviors in the members of an organization.