Feedback and Feedforward: what’s the difference?

What is the difference between feedback and feedforward? Read this content and understand how it can improve your company's performance!
Fique por dentro das principais tendência e boas práticas de RH e Gestão de Desempenho!
What is the difference between feedback and feedforward? Read this content and understand how it can improve your company's performance!
Feedback is the process in which one person helps another to develop through their own perceptions (whether positive or negative). Fact: the more feedback is exchanged between team members within an organization, the better the individual results (and as a consequence the company's results).
The 360-degree feedback is one of the most used - and misused - tools of the performance management stack. In this article, we will unpack what actually is a 360-degree feedback, the difference between a 360-degree review and a 360-degree feedback, what are the most frequent reasons companies use it, its limitations and main risks as well as some common mistakes in applying them.